There are many opportunities for residents to get involved with Quality Improvement (QI) projects and research. We have dedicated staff for generating Epic reports, as well as an ED-dedicated pharmacist (with pharmacy residents) that are very helpful for research and projects. In addition to having a dedicated QI chief, residents direct the monthly M&M conferences for the department and the monthly interdisciplinary Trauma M&M conferences.
Examples of past QI projects include revisions of the schedule to better match department flow, an analysis of our satellite radiologists to facilitate a change in providers, bringing our CT contrast policies up to date to improve patient flow, and establishing hospital-wide guidelines for which services are expected to admit which diagnoses.
The QI information available to us is also very helpful as we move toward the next steps of our careers. Data collected helps us see informatics about our patient volume and identify efficient charters. This helps generate lecture series to optimize our non-patient contact care as well as give us reliable information when we are applying for jobs.